Calgary, Alberta: On Friday, May 31, 2024, the Calgary Police Rodeo Association held its annual Calgary Police Rodeo FUN-Raiser. This event, designed to support the Calgary Police Rodeo, the Missing Children Society of Canada (MCSC), and the Calgary Children's Cottage, was a success.
The Calgary Police Rodeo Association has a long-standing tradition of organizing a rodeo every year for law enforcement and emergency first responders but also to raise awareness and funds for the two local causes.
The Missing Children Society of Canada expressed deep gratitude to the Calgary Police Rodeo Association for their continued commitment, which has been instrumental in achieving their mission. For over two decades, the association's contributions have played a vital role in supporting MCSC’s efforts to locate and protect missing children across the country.
This year's FUN-Raiser featured a special guest, adding an extra layer of excitement to the event, Lanny McDonald. The presence of Lanny McDonald was a highlight, creating memorable moments for attendees and furthering the cause. To read more about this, please click here.

Additionally, MCSC extended heartfelt thanks to the dedicated volunteers from WestJet. Their invaluable assistance at the event significantly contributed to its success, showcasing the power of community involvement and support.
The annual Calgary Police Rodeo will be held on August 10, 2024 in Cochrane, Alberta. Please click
here for information about the rodeo and to get your tickets!