Checking in with the CEO
MCSC has committed to leveraging technology to enhance the support provided to law enforcement officers on the frontlines. The partnership between the private sector, police and MCSC created a best in-class technology network that bridged the identified gap of response for police enabling missing children information to be shared across the country.
Where it started:
Where we are now:
CEO, Amanda Pick is using artificial intelligence to help return kids to their parents. Discover how Real AI is helping end a parent's worst nightmare.
Click on the photo below to view the video with Microsoft, Senior Cloud Advocate, Anthony Bartolo, MCSC, CEO, Amanda Pick & Host, Real AI, Michael Hainsworth
The One App We Can't Live Without.
Esri Canada Podcast:
Season 1 | Episode 12: A Game Changer of Searching for Missing Children
Season 4 | Episode 8: Finding Missing Children Using for Latest Location-Based Technology