Letter to Our Donors


Thank you for your generous contribution to the Missing Children Society of Canada (MCSC)!

Your kindness and support are invaluable in our continuous efforts to protect vulnerable children and youth. With your contribution, MCSC has been able to uniquely assist the police with the Child Search Network, significantly enhancing the search for missing children. This innovative network uses advanced technology to broadcast AMBER Alerts and Child Search Alerts through social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, effectively notifying users in their areas.

In 2022, MCSC expanded its resources, capacity, and operational scale, further empowering Police to engage communities more effectively when a child is missing.

We encourage you to deepen your involvement by joining the Child Search Network and downloading its crucial component, the MCSC rescu app, if you haven’t already. Available for Android and Apple devices or as a web app at rescu.mcsc.ca, the rescu app is continually updated with the latest information from police across Canada. Through the app, the public can submit tips directly and view cases by region. Users also have the option to receive SMS alerts on their phone’s specific to a selected location.

We firmly believe that one missing child is one too many. Thanks to your support, we ARE finding our missing children. On behalf of the families, we assist – and the entire team at MCSC – thank you! We are immensely grateful that you've joined our cause. Together, we are making a significant difference in keeping children safe.


Amanda Pick, Chief Executive Officer



Note to Previous and Future Donors

We would also like to inform you that as of the conclusion of 2023, MCSC has transitioned its donor data management systems to Canada Helps. Consequently, for any future donations made to MCSC, you will now receive a tax receipt from Canada Helps instead of Gift Tool. If you are contemplating the possibility of becoming a monthly donor, we encourage you to visit www.mcsc.ca/donate to enroll.


MCSC Fundraising & Solicitation Responsibilities 

MCSC is in compliance with the 8 Standards of Practice for Charitable Organizations by the Alberta Provincial Government: 

  1. comply with all relevant municipal, provincial, and federal laws
  2. advocate, within the organization, to follow all laws and Standards of Practice that apply to the organization
  3. give donors the opportunity to have their names removed from lists that are sold, rented, or exchanged with other organizations
  4. not disclose any personal and confidential information about donors or prospective donors outside the work environment, and within the work environment only as appropriate
  5. not take unfair advantage of a donor or prospective donor for their own advantage or benefit
  6. to the best of their ability, ensure contributions are used according to the donor’s intentions and obtain the consent of a donor or the donor’s representative before altering conditions of a gift
  7. use accurate and consistent accounting methods that conform to appropriate Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) guidelines CICA guidelines (link)
  8. effectively disclose to their organization all conflicts of interest and all situations that might be perceived as a conflict of interest

MCSC is in compliance with the Guidance CPS-028, Fundraising by Registered Charities by the Canadian Federal Government